Ads are blocks of plain text and HTML that you manage centrally and can insert the latest version into follow-up and broadcast messages with simple tags such as {AD_Shoes_S}. If you change the content of an ad, the new version will automatically be used in your messages without having to edit them.
Managing your ads
To create a new ad, go to Content / Ads / Create New.
To edit an ad, go to Content / Ads / Show List:
… and choose Edit from the Choose action… drop-down menu.
When creating or editing an ad, the settings are the same.
The Settings Tab
- Name – a unique name for your ad.
- Tag – a unique tag for this ad that will be used to insert its contents into your messages. For example, your ad tag is Shoes_S. You would use the tag/shortcode {AD_Shoes_S} to insert the ad’s content into a message. Using {AD_Shoes_S Currently Not Available} would display “Currently Not Available” if no content is stored for the ad Shoes_S.
The tags {AD_Shoes_S} and {AD_TEXT_Shoe_S} will insert the plain text version of the ad into messages, while the tag {AD_HTML_Shoes_S} will insert the HTML version of the ad into messages. - Alternative tags (plain text) – alternative tags that will be used to insert the plain text version of this ad into messages. Exclude braces, and the tag should be different from any tag already used by arpReach. Separate multiple tags by commas. For example: TEXT_ShoeAdSmall, TEXT_ShoeAd01.
- Alternative tags (HTML) – alternative tags that will be used to insert the HTML version of this ad into messages. Exclude braces, and the tag should be different from any tag already used by arpReach. Separate multiple tags by commas. For example: HTML_ShoeAdSmall, HTML_ShoeAd01.
- Description – a description for this ad. This is never displayed to contacts.
The Content Tab
- Plain text content – the plain text version of the ad.
- HTML content – the HTML version of the ad. You can add the content as raw HTML or use the built-in WYSIWYG editor by clicking the Toggle editor link.
Ads can be sorted by name, description, tag, or content using the Order by drop-down menu.
The With selected… menu allows you to delete the selected ads.
Using the I want to… drop-down menu, you can create a new ad or delete all ads.
Under the Actions column, the Choose action… drop-down menu has the options to:
- Preview
- Edit
- Copy
- Copy then edit
- Delete